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Epoch Makers II Certif Course Banner _ n

Epoch Makers for an Emerging World

Women in Leadership

Changing the Paradigms of Power and Influence


“In our most private and most subjective lives, we are not only the passive witnesses of our age, and its sufferers, but also its makers. We make our own epoch.”

C.G. Jung, 1934 CW 10, Par. 315


This eight month certificate course takes us on a journey towards a new understanding of power and influence (for women and men) that exposes the roots of complexes regarding women and power and offers compensatory archetypal models that prioritize relationality, empathy, imagination and collaboration.



Course Description:


Long, long ago, before men had mapped the world, ancient cartographers would draw lions and dragons at the edges of their maps and write “Hc Svnt Dracones, “here be dragons.” In terrain where power has historically been coded as masculine, women who dared to claim it for themselves, were often cast as monsters, consigned to the margins. From Medusa to Malala, from Lilith to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, women who dare to enter public arenas of power and influence, who refuse to conform to cultural meta-narratives that situate them outside the circles of power (both their own personal power and that of the collective) have often been transmogrified, vilified, and pathologized.


Women & Power, A Radical Separation

In her book, Women & Power, internationally recognized academic, author and Professor, Mary Beard, writes: “…as far back as we can see in Western history there is a radical separation – real, cultural and imaginary – between women and power.” (pg. 70) One has to ask what the psychological impact of this multi-faceted separation of the feminine from power is for women and men. Does the emergence of women leaders around the globe, who are continuing to demonstrate courageous and innovative leadership in the midst of a global pandemic, reflect a changing shift in the paradigm of power that we have historically known? Are we witnessing a re-authoring of some of the foundational meta-narratives that shape collective as well as individual identities? Are the contemporary examples of women and men in leadership who are refusing to do power according to a historically masculine model, indicative of an emerging archetypal Sophia consciousness that refuses to situate empathy, relationality and collaboration as polarized from power?


Discerning Unconscious Relationships to Power

The beginnings of significant transformation often start with the toppling of structures we have rigidly clung to in the past. We live in a historical moment where the tectonic plates that support structural meta-narratives are shifting. This is not about altering the archetypal reality illustrated in fairytales, myths and sacred stories, but rather of seeing what has been there all along; the powerful feminine, who, rather than a monster bent on destruction, holds the compensatory balance to a more generative exercise of power.  This groundbreaking certificate course will look at conscious and unconscious relationships to power and the hopeful emergence of new perspectives on archetypal realities that no longer situate "feminine" qualities outside of the circles of powerful leadership.


30 Interactive Sessions with Internationally

Recognized Faculty!

In this ground breaking certificate course, you will have the chance to engage with internationally recognized analysts, therapists, authors and thought leaders as they articulate the meta-narratives that have historically separated women from power and explore an emerging reality of leadership that situates historically "feminine" qualities as central to the generative expression of power. This emerging reality challenges the historical paradigm of hierarchical power that orients the archetypal feminine as being in service to the masculine. It is reflective of a Sophia consciousness that refuses to situate masculine and feminine ways of doing power as being at odds with each other, but rather seeks a coming together, a conjunctio of complentarity. It offers a compensatory model of power that is rooted in empathy, wisdom, relationality and collaboration that is vital to the evolutionary imperative of our times for both women and men.


This course is ideal if:


  • You are interested in transformative, psychological development

  • You are looking for tools to work more consciously with your own inner saboteur

  • You want a deeper understanding of the ways in which cultural meta-narratives influence self-identity both consciously and unconsciously

  • You want to uncover hidden examples of archetypal feminine leadership that have historically been transmogrified/pathologized

  • You want to identify the cultural roots of internalized oppression relative to claiming self-agency and generative power

  • You want to learn to differentiate an adopted persona from an authentic psychological orientation

  •  You are a therapist interested in understanding a Jungian approach to leadership and power as it relates to gender



Course Overview:

This course will focus on the following themes:


Module I:

 Myth, Monsters and Metanarratives - 

Patriarchal Culture and our Unconscious Relationship to Power


Module II:

Coloring Outside the Lines:

Historical & Contemporary Models of Women in Leadership


Module III: 

 Family Relationships and Our Connection to Power


Module IV:

Unveiling Gender based Cultural Trauma


Module V:

Re-defining the Power of Leadership: From Dominating to Influencing


Course Delivery Methods:

This on-line course will offer a multiplicity of creative ways to engage in a deep processing of the material.  These will include:


•. Case-Study approach to women leaders in mythology, history, and contemporary culture

• Amplification of presentations with additional creative resources - films,       videos, books, art

• Guided active imagination exercises 

• A facilitated group discussions

• A Course Bibliography for further reading and research



By the end of this course you will:


  • Understand the connection between cultural meta-narratives, cultural complexes and self-identity

  • Have practiced identifying the ways culture transmogrifies the polarized other in order to maintain the equilibrium of the status quo and understand how this is often in service of a cultural as well as individual complex

  •  Learn how the creative unconscious works to compensate for a psychological imbalance

  • Identify ways in which culture shapes our adopted persona(s) and how the individuation process in the second half of life asks us to dismantle these

  • Discuss how resistance often manifests as an insistence on absolutes and learn methods for working through this resistance on an unconscious level



Number of Classes:      Class Length:

30 Classes                                  60 min


Live Webinar Times.   

8:00–9:00  PM EDT/ 5:00-6:00 PM PST 


 Live Webinar Dates:

  Tuesday Evenings


Start Date:

September 15th, 2020


What you will receive:


Participation in 30 live webinar classes


•30 Video recordings


•Creative Resource Guide with additional readings, films, creative prompts


•60 Minute facilitated group discussions at the completion of each module


•Guided Active Imagination Exercises


•Course Bibliography  


•Opportunity to engage with internationally recognized faculty


•Access to a private FB forum for sharing and engaging with other course members


•Certificate of Completion from The Sophia Center for Transformative Learning

Course Faculty

Sheila Cowburn.png

Fanny Brewster, PhD

Sheila Cowburn, MA

Diane Griege.jpg
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Diane Greig, PhD

Marilyn Matthews, MD

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Elizabeth Nelson, PhD

Vorris Nunley, PhD

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Susan Rowland, PhD

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Sandy Salzillo, LMHC

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Loralee Scott, MFA

Ursula Wirtz, PhD

Epoch Makers for An Emerging World

Women in Leadership

Changing the Paradigms of Power and Influence

Tuesday Evenings

8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT



Course Modules:


Module I:

 Myth, Monsters and Meta-narratives

The Dark Feminine and our Unconscious Relationship to Power


The Way to Our Beyond:

Sex, Power and Salome

Loralee Scott, MFA

Sept. 15th


In the Red Book, Jung writes: “do not let your disgust stand between you and your beyond.” He is referencing the psychological imperative of engaging with what we most despise in ourselves in order to individuate and become more fully conscious. In this presentation we will go beyond Jung’s Red Book journey with Salome as the transformative feminine intended to compensate for his alienation from his own soul and his inferior feeling function, to explore how Salome is representative of a cultural complex.  Looking at Jung’s relationship with Toni Wolff as a working out of what he could not accept about Salome in the Red Book, we will explore how that cultural complex had been internalized by Jung and trace how it became woven into the psychology.  We will look at the metanarratives that normalize a premature projection of sexuality onto young girls and casts them as “dangerous” due to the power of this projected sexuality, while also situating the thinking feminine and the sensual feminine as polarities. We will explore who Salome represents for women and what the patriarchal meta-narratives regarding sex, power and intellect may have influenced us to exile within ourselves.


Lilith:  Part I

Uncursing and Reclaiming the Dark Feminine.

Sheila Cowburn, MA

Sept. 22nd


The origins and psychology of the Dark Feminine are explored through the Lilith Myth, seen as an aspect of the archetype of the Great Mother. The symbolic underpinnings of the myth including sexuality and aggression as aspects of the repressed Feminine in the psyches of man and woman, form part of the journey into the unconscious where the Dark Feminine most often resides. The shifting archetypal paradigm as we move out of the patriarchy, offers a challenging imperative to men and women to find ways of uncursing and reclaiming the Dark Feminine that has been neglected in ourselves and our culture. What does it mean in our personal inner journeys to become pathfinders towards a new relatedness to the Dark Feminine. Are we up to the journey?



Lilith:  Part II

Uncursing and Reclaiming the Dark Feminine.

Sept. 29th


Hina: A Myth of Healing and Power

Fanny Brewster, PhD

Oct. 6th


The Hawaiian myth of Hina speaks to the transformative power and protection of the feminine voice in changing consciousness.  Myth and clinical narrative intertwine to create a path of healing. Our contemporary lives are nourished by the telling and re-telling of stories that love and thereby heal our Feminine Psyche.



Disembodied Memory; Projection and Reconciliation with

Athena’s Shadow Sister

Sandy Salzillo, LMHC

Oct. 13th


As in all myths there is a psychological core resonating in our deep unconscious. Who has not been turned to stone by the gaze of an unknown stranger and or our loved ones? This lecture will examine the relationship between Medusa and Athena as shadow and projection of the chthonic archaic feminine principle in the psyches of woman in service to a patriarchal narrative that enforces separation between rationality and mystery, soul and power. This beheading, this disembodied legacy continually perpetuated extinguishes the transformation capacity of the creative unconscious illustrated by the life blood spilled by the Medusa. For the psyche to regain its healing potential we must look at the monster’s blood as poison and antidote, destruction and rebirth, embraced by Athena even as they were consciously being destroyed.


Queen of Sheba – Beyond Violation to Wholeness

Marilyn Matthews, MD

Oct. 20th


The meeting of Maqeda, the Queen of Sheba, and King Solomon 3000 years ago as reported in the Bible--twice in the Old Testament and twice in the Gospels-- marks the importance of this event.  It was a meeting of minds, for Maqeda proved to be equal to Solomon in a series of long philosophical discussions.  But it was not just her intellect that attracted the Hebrew monarch who had 600 wives and 400 concubines; by means of a ploy he seduced the dark-skinned queen.  Not long after this event, the queen returned to her country to give birth to a son, through whom the kings of Ethiopia trace their Davidic lineage.  The queen retained her virginal essence; however, this seduction led to the downfall of Solomon and to the loss of the Ark of the Laws.

Though little has been written about this powerful queen, her legacy, including legends, poems and establishment of the Davidic lineage to Ethiopia, is profound.  This tale also demonstrates how the dark transformative feminine, if not treated with respect, can affect our fate.  How does the “virginal” essence of the feminine move beyond violation to the wholeness of her true self?


Rethinking the Dark Feminine:

Adam and Eve in the Contemporary Garden of Eden and the Underground Pandemic

Vorris Nunley, PhD

Oct. 27th


Presentation will re-scripture, re-vision the symbols, and historicize the Adam and Eve origin myth in the three patriarchal religions. It will address how the myth still mediates the collective, cultural, cultural unconscious, and shadow of the Western imagination. Where contemporary male, female, queer, and other subjects/souls loathe, diminish, and constrict the more productively wild and rhizomatic aspects of an emerging “dark feminine.” Fortunately, the Lilith narrative, indigenous two-spirit stories, the First Council at Nicaea, and the Hag Nammadi discovery complicates the denigration of women and the feminine, allowing for a re-reading of the myth where Eve’s “sin” becomes necessary to human consciousness and spirituality while not to religious or doctrinal law.  A tension that remains today. Finally, the re-thinking of the narrative and tropes of the Adam & Eve myth provides useful insight into how to more soulfully engage the pandemic through a rhizomatic and feminine method of thriving. 



Module Wrap-Up and Discussion

Nov. 3rd





Module II:

Coloring Outside the Lines:

Historical & Contemporary Models of Women in Leadership



“Dangerous Sisters,” “Nasty Women” and “F___ing B___es” Disrupting the Hierarchy of Power

Philomela and Procne, Kamala Harris, & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Loralee Scott, MFA

Nov. 10th


The myth tells the story of a young woman who is raped by her sister’s husband and when she threatens to expose him to her sister, he cuts out her tongue. As the story evolves, the two sisters eventually plot and carry out their own plan of justice for the crimes committed against them.  Yet this ancient story is often known by the title:  “The Dangerous Sisters.” Women who dare to challenge systemic injustice, even more, women who are leaders who collaborate with others in challenging systemic injustice, have historically been portrayed as “dangerous,” "nasty," “crazy” and even as “fucking bitches.”  The patriarchal meta-narrative that situates the archetypal feminine as existing primarily to be in service of the masculine is deeply rooted in the mythologies, the theologies and even the psychologies.  When this meta-narrative of hierarchical power is challenged, the resistance is usually to pathologize, scapegoat or demonize those challenging it. In this session, we will look at how women’s connection to and expression of power often feels transgressive due to an internalization of cultural oppression. We will look at historical examples of women in leadership who have successfully risen above this to own their own power and express their own voice in ways that are authentic and deeply connected to who they are as powerful women.


Invisible Women: Part I

Spying, Self Agency and Culture

Diane Greig, PhD 

Nov. 17th


My research has focused on examining WW 2 women’s roles in espionage to magnify social and cultural restrictions today.  Between 2004 and 2006 I conducted a series of in-depth interviews with 8 women spies from 7 different countries; their acts of bravery, sabotage, couriering and more behind enemy lines for military and resistance units. I’ll draw from these interview transcripts to tell their stories and how their temporary freedom from patriarchal cultural norms may bring new perspectives for women and others today.


The stories reveal multi-faceted highly skilled, adventurous and capable women who, leaving their daily lives, discover liberation from the cultural norms of pre-war Europe navigating espionage operations that could result in death, captivity and/or torture. Although these women would be celebrated if men, they have been left out of historical record. In pop culture there are sensational versions about women spies often attached to men’s stories. Authentic stories of women’s bravery, different from men’s stories, have not been told or celebrated. These narratives and commentary help balance the record of undervaluing women’s contributions and debunking stereotypes. 


Invisible Women: Part II

Spying, Self Agency and Culture

Diane Greig, PhD 




The Subversive and The Good Part I

Cleopatra, Cordelia and Michelle Obama;

Susan Rowland, PhD

Dec. 1st


Much can be discerned about patriarchy from those women who come to prominence because they disturb the established order and also those who are deemed “good” girls. Even these latter conforming women can surprise us. My research has focused on the feminine in depth psychology where C. G. Jung is both proto-feminist and arch patriarch. He correctly diagnosed that the loss of the feminine was making modernity sick, while demonstrating an enormous problem with women asserting themselves. His solution is to found and fund the feminine to shore up the wounded masculine. In fact, he produces a Jungian equivalent of Lacan’s phallus in his anima, the feminine that men desire and women must “be” for the patriarchy. All the women considered here from Michelle Obama to Anne Frank, Cleopatra to Cordelia, negotiate the problematic anima position in creative and often deeply subversive ways. While Margaret Thatcher capitalized upon patriarchy to hold in thrall her male cabinets, Hilary Clinton is a woman caught in contradictory narratives. What looks more positive for women in leadership is the ability to incarnate more diverse archetypal energies such as Greta Thunberg’s Artemis energy and Julian of Norwich, whose mothering is divine nurture, not biological destiny.



The Subversive and The Good Part II

Julian of Norwich and Anne Frank

Susan Rowland, PhD

Dec. 8th


The Subversive and The Good Part III

Margaret Thatcher, Hilary Clinton & Greta Thunberg

Susan Rowland, PhD

Dec. 15th


Beyond Animus Possession: Sensuality, Power and the Thinking Feminine

Herodias, Hedy Lamar, Toni Wolff and Jacinda Adern

Loralee Scott, MFA

Dec 22nd


Module Wrap-Up and Discussion

Jan. 5th




Module III: 

All in the Family:

Family Dynamics and Our Relationships with Power


Mother May I?

Self-Agency, the Imposter Syndrome and the Devouring Mother

Manifestations of the Devouring Mother: Part I

A Clinical Case Study

Sandy Salzillo, LMHC

January 12th, 2021


The manifestation of the archetypal energies embedded in the field of the devouring mother lead us to some of the most horrific and tragic heroines of fairy tale, myth, novels, film, opera, dance, etc.  This lecture will identify research based on the work of Garreth S. Hill  from his book Masculine and Feminine: The Natural Flow of Opposites in the Psyche as he articulates the polarities of the Static and Dynamic feminine principles in relationship to the static and dynamic masculine principles as a constant fluctuating source of energy in the human psyche.

We will then use dreams and imagery from a clinical case study exploring the narcissistic wound of a young woman struggling with clinical depression, anxiety and an eating disorder as she wrestles with terminating her relationship to the devouring mother complex devastating her ability to differentiate herself from the all-consuming complex.


Manifestations of the Devouring Mother: Part II

A Clinical Case Study

Sandy Salzillo, LMHC

January 19th, 2021


Using the example of acclaimed film maker, Jane Campion’s, relationship to her mother, we will look at the creative unconscious way of compensating and expressing experiences of assimilating the devouring mothers energy in Campion’s profound masterpiece The Piano. We will then look at dreams and imagery from a composite of clinical cases exploring the narcissistic wound of two young women struggling with depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. In viewing these cases from a depth psychological lens we begin to see the awareness and painful choices presented to these women by terminating their alignment to the all-consuming devouring mother complex in the quest for selfhood, self-agency and ultimately self-compassion.



Daddy's Girl - The Father's Daughter as Leader

Moving Beyond the Bad Man Syndrome - From Persona to Authenticity

Loralee Scott, MFA

January 26th


Module Wrap-Up and Discussion

February 9th




Module IV:

The Power to Rise Above

Gender-based Trauma and the Journey through Hell


*Special Note: Due to the time difference in Zurich where Ursula will be, each of these sessions will meet live, on-line on Saturdays from 11:00 AM to Noon EDT (all sessions will be recorded).


 Unveiling Gender-based Cultural Trauma

Ursula Wirtz, PhD

February 13th

We will unravel the construction of victimhood, the culturally shaped norms and notions concerning femininity, sexuality and gender and analyze how these cultural master narratives contribute to the conspiracy of silence regarding the cultural trauma of violence against women, the grooming for a life of sexual exploitation, culminating in mass rapes in wars, sexual violence in refugees camps and sex trafficking. We will explore what the alienation from the feminine principle of relatedness contributes to the cultural trauma of violence against women.



 Losing Soul-Retrieving soul. A Journey through Hell. 

Ursula Wirtz, PhD

February 20th


We will look at trauma through the mythological lens as a forced descent to the deepest, darkest regions of one’s being, the archetypal experience of the underworld, of hell. Diving into the myth of Medusa provides a lens to broaden the evocation of images to approach the unimaginable and paradoxical nature of trauma.



 Whither the Soul After Soulmurder? 

Ursula Wirtz, PhD

February 27th


We will explore how the trauma of sexual violence  impacts the psyche. A case vignette with pictures will illustrate the process of transcending trauma, of re-membering what was dis-membered. The role of the symbolic and spiritual dimension for the healing journey will be discussed.


Module Wrap-Up and Discussion

March 6th




Module V:

Re-defining the Power of Leadership:

From Dominating to Influencing


Systemic Misogyny and Embodied Styles of Female Power

Elizabeth Nelson, PhD



Three decades ago, I envisioned my vocation in a simple statement: women at their best. But what does “best” mean when women live, work, love, play, and create within the toxic bounds of systemic misogyny? How do we discover and define ourselves in the context of the profound relationships that make a difference personally and communally, in which treating others with empathy, kindness and dignity is our highest value?

This series of webinars is designed for women eager to lead the way to repairing a deeply wounded world. I adopt an archetypal eye to explore the contemporary resurgence of toxic masculinity and argue that the immanent death of patriarchy makes this a most dangerous cultural moment—and an opportune one. The webinar dismantles conventional notions of power as domination to differentiate among many embodied styles of power. Participants will discover their preferred styles and begin to build a repertoire of ethical ideas and actions that suits their character, capacities, and values.


Webinar 1: March 9th
The cultural challenge: Toxic Masculinity and Systemic Misogyny


Webinar 2: March 16th
Examining our preferred styles of power


Webinar 3: March 23rd
Adding to our repertoire of powers


Module Wrap-Up and Discussion

March 30th

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