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"Everyone at some point finds themselves in the ashes of life and longs for home. The real home turns out to be the center within each life and each return to that inner core not only calms us, heals us and makes us whole, but also adds some healing and wholeness to the world around us."                                     
                                                                                                                                 Michael Meade



There is irony in the realization that we live in a world that is more hyper-connected than at any other time in history, while at the same time, there has perhaps never been such a collective feeling of disconnection and isolation.  Yet the realities of climate change and a global pandemic illustrate more poignantly than ever, that we are surely in this together. To say this is to assert a counter-cultural fact in a culture, which values individualism over collectives and even families, making it difficult for us to acknowledge that we need each other; but we do.  

     It's in this beautiful and terrible world where traumatic events have become an almost expected part       of our daily newsfeeds, that we all need to find a way through to healing and home – home in a                metaphorical sense, as well as a literal one. 


In a psychological and spiritual sense, we too, are “finding our way home;” home to a place where we can find rest and peace for our souls. Home to a place where we feel “found,” no longer lost, partly because we are no longer isolated and partly because we have come home to our Selves via a path of  holding to a core inner integrity regardless of the struggles.

In this series of workshops, Demaris Wehr will share incredible stories from her book, Making It Through,  about Bosnian survivors who not only “made it through“ a terrible war, and sometimes a genocide, but also “made it through“ to a changed life, and ultimately “made it home."  While each story is uniquely different and nuanced, they each illustrate the significance of an unconsciously held "centerpost," a core value, that was essential to the remarkable resilience and recovery of these people who came through so much yet who ultimately found their way home. 


Using ritual, reflective writing and artistic creative prompts from her peace building work in Bosnia, Demaris will help you identify your unique "centerpost," the core values that you  unconsciously hold that are essential to finding your way home to that centered place within. Each session will offer ways you can tap into these values to navigate your way through feelings of lostness and isolation to find your way back home to your Self.  While the values may vary for each of us, what they have in common is that they call us along a path that is archetypal and alchemical.  And whatever they are, we can rest assured that they represent the Deep Feminine re-arising where she is most needed.


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In Finding Our Way Home you will learn:


A clearer sense of your own values that are essential to resilience


• How to identify and prioritize what sustains you through chaos and crisis


• How to cultivate inner strengths you didn’t know you had


• The Power of Connection – by becoming part of an intimate community of fellow learners on this same journey

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This beautifully written short book packs more into its pages than any other book I have read on the impact of trauma. It describes the desire for “home” as universal, and I take from this the need for “home” even in villages and towns where one is not surrounded by war. It is by being part of a community that one gains the ability to thrive. Read the book to learn about Bosnia, but also for the stories told by the survivors, and for the compassion Wehr beings to her writing. Then place it next to Homer’s Odyssey on your bookshelf.


Susan Gillotti

Jungian Psychotherapist and Author

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We are all coming to grips with the reality that there is no returning to normal. While we may be emerging from the first global pandemic, there are no assurances as to what the future holds.


Having the ability to develop and cultivate an adaptive, resilient mindset that is anchored to a centerpost that cannot be toppled by the latest crisis is more critical now than ever before.


In this series Demaris will teach on the psycho-spiritual qualities of resilience from the lived stories of men and women who have found their way through trauma to a place of healing and hope.  She will gently lead you through ritual based creative prompts designed to help you identify the core qualities that will enable you to respond  from a centered place of deeply held values rather than reacting from panic or fear.

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Why Study with Demaris?

Demaris is an internationally recognized author, scholar and therapist. Her first book, Jung and Feminism, Liberating Archetypes, has become a classic text in Post-Jungian studies.


She has spent a lifetime contributing to a passionate interest in reconciliation and peace building.  She taught religion and psychology for several years at Swarthmore and Harvard Divinity School and she is now a much-loved Core Faculty for The Sophia Center.

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Finding Our Way Home Course Details

• 8 Weeks of  90 minute live webinar/workshops with Demaris on Thursday Evenings

Sept. 16th, 23rd, 30th

Oct. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

Nov. 4th


•  All workshops are from 7:30 - 9:00 PM EDT/ 4:30 - 6:00 PM PT (via Zoom)


• Recorded Links for each session


• Weekly Creative Practice Prompts & Resources


• Invite to a Private FB Group


• Tuition: $199  Extended July 4th Discount! - $179.10

 Circle Members:  FREE!


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